As a member of the bright new generation of Jewish musical artists, The Joshua C. Cohen (tJCC) has been playing and writing Jewish music since 2003. Currently, tJCC is the Music Educator at Ohabei Shalom in Brookline MA, singing with preschoolers, teens and families!
Joshua is also a songleader for BBYO, having previously worked at the Leadership Summer Camp in Wisconsin and he continues to songlead at regional conventions across the country. He has also performed on the Jewish Rock Radio stage at the Union for Reform Judaism Biennial Convention in 2015. Before moving to Boston to attend Berklee College of Music, tJCC served as a Cantorial Soloist and Music Director for the Junior Choir and Religious School at Temple Beth Torah in Fremont, CA
tJCC continues to make his mark on the jewish musical community through his CD, Romemu, which he released in 2014 and represents his passion for and unique style in jewish music. He has also had the pleasure of attending Hava Nashira and CAJE/NewCAJE conferences for many years. Joshua aspires to impact the jewish musical community much like his mentors and those he has been influenced by for many years to come!