Feliza & Or Zohar are composers and performers of sacred music. Based in the Galilee, they broadcast and tour internationally, sharing their music, teachings and life experiences. Feliza & Or have released three albums: Lev Tahor (2007) Mikolot Mayim (2016) Kets Hap’laot (2020). In 2021, Feliza & Or Zohar founded Havayah Center of Being, a retreat center and guesthouse in the Galilean village of Hararit.
Rabbi Or Zohar is the Reform rabbi of the Misgav Region in the Galilee, founder of Hibura School for Kabbalah and Jewish Spirituality, and co C.E.O of the Spirit of the Galilee Association. Rabbi Zohar was ordained at the Jerusalem campus of HUC and received his BA from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has a Masters Degree in Jewish Philosophy from Tel Aviv University, where he is currently working towards a PhD in Kabbalah studies.
Feliza Bascara-Zohar is a singer-songwriter, song leader, artist and choreographer. She teaches a mindful holistic approach to worship, which she calls Embodied Prayer, and practices Voice Movement Therapy. She has an MA in Expressive Art Therapies from Tel Aviv University and a BA in Musicology and Literature from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.