The Emerging Artist Showcase features new and exciting voices in Jewish rock, with host Joe Buchanan. This show is brought to you by the Gladys K Crown Foundation.
About the Host
Joe Buchanan is an Americana singer-songwriter from Houston, Texas. Upon converting to Judaism, he found his voice, values, and history in the Torah of the Jewish people. Buchanan has shared his music with Jewish communities across the US, and has taken the stage at notable Jewish events such as the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) Biennial conference, Songleader Boot Camp, NewCAJE, and at the Atlanta Jewish Music Festival. His music combines the feel-good, toe-tapping elements of country, roots-rock, and folk genres of his Texas upbringing with his love of the complex melodic and harmonic character of Jewish scales and traditional tunes.
Episode 52: Winter 2025
- Michelle Cohn Levy & Coleen Dieker “Et Dodim”
- Nissim Black & Levi Robin “Lifted”
- Rick Recht “Clear Eyes”
- Eric Hunker “Never Be Alone”
- Josh Goldberg “Insomniac’s Niggun”
- Ariela Freedman “Tree Of Life”
- Tani Polansky “Father”
- Abbie Strauss & Joe Buchanan “Eileh Chamdah Libi”
- LevSoul and Josh Gerhardt “Shema”
- Thank You Hashem “Back of the Wagon”
- Cantor Josh Goldberg “Sim Shalom”
- Rabbi Noah Diamondstein “You Can’t Care for Everyone”
- Todd Herzog “Shalom Aleichem”
- Mikey Pauker “Summer Niggun”
- Feter Hendel “Head on Home”
- Eliana Light “The Walk Home Niggun”
- Jacob Spike Kraus “Modeh Ani”
- Eliana Light “Hashkiveinu”
- Sheldon Low “If All of the World”
- Josh Goldberg and Jacqueline Rafii “Achat Sha’alti”
- Rabbi Michah Shapiro “He’Harim”
- Zach Singer “Oseh Shalom”
- Aaron Markovitz “Stand in the Salvation”
- Zach Singer “Hitor’ri”
- Noah Diamondstein “Ana B’choach”
- Steven Chaitman “Hashkiveinu”
- Josh Goldberg and LJacqueline Rafii “Achat Sha’alti”
- Micah Shapiro “He’Harim”
- Zach Singer “Oseh Shalom”
- Aaron Markovitz “Stand In The Salvation”
- Deborah Sacks Mintz “Sunrise Nigun”
- Ellie Flier “Bless Our Road”
- Yoni Battat “El Eliyahu”
- Brianah Caplan & David Kaplinsky “Baruch Hagever”
- Abbie Strauss ft. Joe Buchanan “Eileh Chamda Libi”
- Elana Jagoda “You Don’t Need Permission”
- Josh Goldberg “Sim Shalom”
- Brianah Caplan & David Kaplinsky “Baruch Hagever”
- Syd Bakal “Hashkiveinu”
- Emily Groff “Lo Yisa Goy”
- Lexi Weakley “Ahavat Olam”
- Lucy Greenbaum “Adonai S’fatai”
- Abby Glass “Stand Up (Chazak v’Ematz)”
- Renae Sullivan “Sweet Creature”
- Ellie Fern “Colors in the Sky”
- Abbie Strauss “Pitchu Li”
- Joey Weisenberg “L’eila”
- Yosef David “Good Things”
- Josh Warshawsky “Nasu”
- Ariel Root Wolpe “Light My Soul”
- Ellie Flier “Bless Our Road”
- Feter Hendel “Head on Home”
- Sheldon Low “V’imru Amen”
- Jaffa Road “Wordless Melody”
- Jacob Spike Kraus “Light Up the Night”
- Pharaoh’s Daughter “Maoz Tzur”
- Billy Jonas Band “Let There Be Light“
- Joey Weisenberg “Shir Hama’alot”
- Josh Goldberg “That’s What Makes It A Miracle”
- Neal Katz “Be a Light“
- Lisa Levine “Ki Anu Amecha”
- Joval Porat and Rebekah Mirsky “Al Hanissim”
- Cantor Lizzie Weiss and Rabbi Jonathan Aaron “Nishmat Kol Chai”
- Natalie Young “Shalom Rav”
- Cantor Elana Rozenfeld “Come, Sing to Adonai”
- Jamie Marx “These “Things Will Happen
- Shira Lissek “Ani Ma’amin”
- Lucy Greenbaum “Adonai S’fatai”
- Ian Simpson “No More”
- Kenneth Lyonswright “Seek It Out”
- Emily Groff “Lo Yisa Goy”
- Ellie Fern “Colors in the Sky”
- Syd Bakal “Hashkiveinu”
- Lexi Weakley “Ahavat Olam“
- Jackson Mercer “Esa Einai (feat. Coleen Dieker)“
- Yossi Rodal “Unspoken”
- Lior Ben-Hur “Lion”
- Jacob Spike Kraus “Pitchu Li”
- Amanda & Berek Awend “Hinei Matov“
- Batya Levine “Karov“
- Saul Kaye “Two Wolves”
- Levi Robin “Hey Love”
- Rob Aronson “Hava Nashira”
- Steven Chaitman “Esa Einai”
- Syd Bakal “Hashkiveinu”
- Laura Copel “V’Shamru“
- Lexi Weakley “Ahavat Olam“
- Sammy Rosenbaum “Kol Ha’Olam Kulo”
- Eric Hunker “Our Year”
- Eliana Light “Lead Me Back”
- Matthew Check “Refua”
- Eric Hunker “More Like a Candle”
- Mikey Pauker “Top of the World“
- Noah Diamondstein “Ahavat Olam
- Feter Hendel “City of David”
- Levi Robin “Breathe Easy“
- Josh Goldberg “That’s What Makes It A Miracle”
- Matthew Check “Good Old Jonah”
- Deborah Sacks Mintz “Sunrise Nigun”
- Josh Warshawsky “The Sun“
- Batya Levine “We Rise“
- Aviva Chernick “Laz Tiyas”
- Lexi Weakley “Ahavat Olam“
- Josh Goldberg “Achat Sha’alti”
- Joanie and Matt “The One Above”
- Lexi Weakley “Shalom Rav“
- Stephanie Sussman “Arise“
- Bagels and Biscuits “Ani Vatah”
- Joe Buchanan “Worthy of the World”
- Nissim Black “A Million Years”
- Lexi Weakley “Shalom Rav“
- Mendy Piamenta “Yesh Kan”
- Levi Robin “Mighty Waters”
- Carly Greene “Hashkiveinu”
- Noah Levine “Lo Yareiu”
- Joey Weisenberg “Shir Hama’alot”
- Joe Buchanan “Modeh Ani”
- Deborah Sacks Mintz “Sunrise Nigun“
- Eliana Light “Lead Me Back”
- Miram Margles “Hallelu“
- Abby Glass “Stand Up“
- Saul Kaye “Abraham’s Restaurant”
- Ahavat Hinam “Gam Ze”
- Joe Buchanan “Sails to the Sea“
- Andrew and Polly “Little Bitta You“
- Eliana Light “Skyman”
- Yossi Rodal “Unspoken”
- Yosef Goldman “Lechu“
- Neshama Carlebach “Believe“
- Joe Buchanan “The Mountain’s Niggun”
- Feter Hendel “City of David”
- Josh Goldberg “Brighter Day“
- Larry Lesser “Sparks”
- Mikey Pauker “Miss You”
- Rose Snitz “L’dor Vador“
- Charlie Kramer “We Will Rise“
- Julie Geller “Odekha“
- Ian Simpson “No More”
- Joe Buchanan “Better Together”
- Joey Weisenberg “Shir Hama’alot”
- Josh Warshawsky “Arise”
- Todd Kessler “Good As Gold“
- Yosef David “Gesher”
- Chava Mirel “Rise Up Like the Sun“
- Zusha “Shefa”
- Joe Buchanan “Small Town Tonight”
- Billy Jonas “Let There Be Light“
- We Are the Northern Lights “Sunshine”
- Tani Polansky “Long for the Day“
- Sammy Rosenbaum “Kol Ha’Olam Kulo”
- Joe Buchanan “Lighthouses”
- Miram Margles “Hallelu“
- Neal Katz “Be a Light“
- Josh Warshawsky “Arise”
- Sheldon Low “Yedid Nefesh”
- Etty Black “At Least I Tried”
- Yosef Goldman “Ein Od“
- Michael Miller “In Your Hand“
- Blesd “The Same“
- Joe Buchanan “Driftwood”
- Chava Mirel “Up Up Down”
- Beth Hamon “Lev Tahor“
- Rob Aronson “Hava Nashira”
- Charlie Kramer “We Will Rise“
- Yosef David “Mayim Rabim”
- Noah Diamondstein “Shochein Ad”
- Joe Buchanan “Worthy of the World”
- Laeli “Aliyah”
- Billy Jonas “Ahavat Olam”
- Charlie Kramer “Closer”
- Saul Kaye “Two Wolves”
- Joe Buchanan “Return”
- Feter Hendel “City of David”
- Elana Jagoda Kaye “This Light Tonight”
- Sue Horowitz “There Is Hope”
- Joanie and Matt “Coming Up”
- Lucy Greenbaum “Shalom Rav”
- Levi Robin “Hey Love”
- Billy Jonas “God Is In”
- Joe Buchanan “Home”
- Ellie Flier “V’ahavta”
- Andrew and Polly “How Can You Tell If It’s Going to Rain”
- Yossi Rodal “Unspoken”
- Yosef David “Bad Days”
- Moshav “Chicki Boom”
- Noah Diamondstein “Ahavat Olam”
- Sheldon Low “Holy Sound”
- Abbie Strauss “Hodu”
- Neshama Carlebach “Shine”
- Joe Buchanan “Repair”
- Lior Ben-Hur “So I Wander”
- Ellie Fern “Colors in the Sky”
- Mikey Pauker “Summer Niggun”
- Todd Kessler “Oh Brother”
- Josh Warshawsky “Mah Rabu”
- Izzy Gilden “The Road”
- Josh Warshawsky “Va’ani_Tefilati”
- Ellie Flier “V’Ahavta”
- Jamie Marx “R’tzei”
- Noah Diamondstein “Ashira L’Adonai”
- Jacob Spike Kraus “What Makes You Glow”
- Josh Goldberg “Hashkiveinu”
- Noah Diamondstein “Ahavat Olam”
- Lexi Weakley “Quiet Heart”
- Elana Arian “Ahavah_Rabbah”
- Brianah Caplan “V’shamru”
- Todd Kessler “Halleluyah”
- Lucy Greenbaum “Shalom Rav”
- Ellie Flier “Quiet Heart”
- Rob Aronson “Hava Nashira”
- Josh Warshawsky “Va’ani_Tefilati”
- Sammy Rosenbaum “Kol Ha’Olam Kulo”
- Mikey Pauker “Miracle of You”
- Sue Horowitz “Peace Song”
- Hadar & Sheldon “Holy Sound”
- Eric and Happie “Y’varechecha”
- Feter Hendel “Fire Bright”
- Rick Recht “Lecha Dodi”
- Josh Warshawsky “Hame’irah”
- Andrew and Polly “Little Bitta You”
- Saul Kaye “Tzaddik Katamar”
- Billy Jonas “More Love”
- Shira Lissek “God My God”
- Briana Caplan “Lecha Dodi”
- Deborah Sacks Mintz “Where I Come From”
- Jay Rapoport “L’chadaysh Et Ha’yashan”
- Andrew and Polly “How Can You Tell If It’s Going to Rain”
- Leah Shoshanah “Ai Ee Ai”
- Mikey Pauker “Top of the World”
- Izzy Gilden “Bring Me Closer”
- Charlie Kramer “Bar’chu”
- Shimon Smith “Holon”
- Shir Yaakov Feit “We Are Loved”
- Sammy Rosenbaum “Kol Ha’Olam Kulo”
- Rick Recht and Coleen Dieker “Adonai S’fatai”
- Eric Hunker “All These Little Loves”
- Rob Aronson “Prayer for Healing”
- Shimon Smith “Dodi Li”
- Rick Recht “Hineini”
- Beth Hamon “Lev Tahor”
- Elana Jagoda Kaye “Modeh Ani”
- Joey Weisenberg “Shochen Ad”
- Billy Jonas “Ahavat Olam”
- Joe Buchanan “Return”
- Rob Aronson “Oseh Shalom”
- Lucy Greenbaum “Yih’yu L’ratzon”
- Saul Kaye “Two Wolves”
- Jacob Spike Krause “A Little Bit More”
- Jamie Marx “These Things Will Happen”
- Lior Ben-Hur “Hine”
- The Joshua C. Cohen (tJCC) “Romemu”
- We Are the Northern Lights “Sunshine”
- Lior Ben-Hur “Lion”
- Chava Mirel “Stand Up”
- Isaac Zones & Shamati “Everlasting Love (Ahavat Olam)”
- Rob Aronson “Hava Nashira”
- Dustin Paul “Good Day to Be Alive”
- Laurie Akers “Stand Strong”
- Joe Buchanan “Repair”
- Todd Herzog “Wade in the Water”
- Elana Jagoda “Holy Sister Miriam”
- Billy Jonas “More Love”
- Charlie Kramer “Bring It Down”
- Melita and Isaac “Wings of Peace”
- Mikey Pauker “Who Is Like You”
- Jacob Spike Kraus “Travelers’s Prayer”
- Charlie Kramer “Ozi”
- Josh Warshawsky “Mah Rabu”
- Jacob Spike Kraus “Pitchu Li”
- Mikey Pauker “Believe”
- Melita and Isaac “Gesher Tsar”
- Saul Kaye “I Want Hashem to Walk with Me”
- Lucy Greenbaum “Adonai S’fatai”
- Feter Hendel “Fire Bright”
- Ahavat Hinam “Gam Zeh”
- Abbie Strauss “Torah Tzivah”
- Elana Jagoda Kaye “Prayer for Healing”
- Bagels and Biscuits “Tribe”
- Levi Robin “Lion’s Den”
- Mikey Pauker “Summer Niggun”
- Josh and Chava “Aleinu”
- Josh Goldberg “Haskiveinu”
- Jason Mesches “Faith”
- Nick May “Be Heard”
- Elana Arian “Hine Ma Tov”
- Mikey Pauker “Say Yes”
- The Ruach “Romemu”
- Isaac Zones and Shamati “Everlasting Love (Ahavat Olam)”
- Charlie Kramer “Od Yavo”
- Lucy Greenbaum “Adonai S’fatai”
- Sammy Rosenbaum “Kol Ha’Olam Kulo”
- Troy Breslow “Politics and Roadrage”
- Jamie Marx “These Things Will Happen”
- Joe Buchanan “Ana El Na”
- Andrew Goldstein “Yihiyu L’ratzon”
- Charlie Kramer “Closer”
- Beth Hamon “A Cracked Jar”
- Samantha Trattner “Listen”
- Todd Kessler “The Letter”
- Andrew Goldstein “Hashkiveinu”
- Jacob Spike “Pichu Li”
- Josh Warshawsky “The Sun”
- Joe Buchanan “Return”
- Eliana Light “Tekiyah”
- Billy Jonas “Ahavat Olam”
- Nefesh Mountain “Esa Einai”
- Feter Hendel “Fire Bright”
- Dan Nichols and Eighteen “Children of the World”
- Rick Recht “Oseh Shalom”
- Saul Kaye “I Want Hashem to Walk with Me”
- Hannah Spiro “Return to Eden”
- Josh Goldberg “Love, Love, Love”
- Jacob Spike Kraus “You Will Find Me”
- Eric and Happie “It’s Yours”
- Lucy Greenbaum “Y’hiyu L’ratzon”
- We Are the Northern Lights “Sunshine”
- Shimon Smith “Holon”
- Saul Kaye “Shema Lullaby”
- Todd Kessler “Oh Brother”
- Rory Michelle “Tagid Li Tell Me”
- Beth Hamon “Lev Tahor”
- Maya Elise “Then the Rain Will Come”
- Shira Lissek “Sh’ma Koleinu”
- Susan Shane Linder “You Came Home, My Old Friend”
- Cantor Elana Rozenfeld “Lechu Neranena”
- Samantha Trattner “Esai Einai”
- Joe Buchanan “Shalom Aleichem”
- Shir Yaakov Feit “We Are Loved”
- Saul Kaye “Ein Keloheinu”
- Abbie Strauss “Shalom Rav”
- Sue Horowitz “Hashkiveinu”
- Sheldon Low “V’imru Amen”
- Eliana Light “Saying Goodbye to Shabbos”
- Jacob Spike Kraus “Traveler’s Prayer”
- Jacob Spike Krauss “Pichu Li”
- Sarah Dukes “One”
- Feter Hendel “Fire Bright”
- Robbi Sherwin and Happie Hoffman “We Won’t Back Down”
- Shira Lissek “Ani Ma’amin”
- Lior Ben-Hur “So I Wander”
- Micha and Lisa “Aneni”
- Hilly Rubin “Give Yourself the Chance”
- Todd Herzog “Wade in the Water”
- Kosha Dillz “Dodging Bullets”
- Yonatan Razel “Bein Hazlilim”
- Deleon “Hamavdil”
- Zusha “East Shtetl”
- Josh Warshawsky “Mah Rabu”
- Lucy Greenbaum “Y’hiyu L’ratzon”
- Beth Hamon “Hole In My Pocket”
- Eliana Light “The Mishkan Song”
- Todd Kessler “Halleluyah”
- Joe Buchanan “Return”
- Josh Goldberg “V’ahavtah”
- Abbie Strauss “Ani Ma’amin”
- Josh Warshawsky “Hachamah”
- Andrew Goldstein “Shalom Rav”
- Miriam Raziel “Light Warrior”
- Joe Buchanan “Elohai N’tzor”
- Melita Silberstein “Light Within”
- Sheldon Low “Oseh Shalom”
- Joey Weisenberg “Lincoln’s Niggun”
- Sarah Edelstein “El Na”
- Dustin Paul “Good Day to Be Alive”
- Sue Horowitz “Peace”
- Lior Ben-Hur “Lion”
- Maya Elise “Dust and Ashes”
- Chava Mirel “Up Up Down”
- Ahavat Hinam “Gam Ze Yaavor”
- Nefesh Mountain “Esa Einai”
- Eric and Happie “They’ll Never Take Us Alive”
- Saul Kaye “Abraham’s Restaurant”
- Abbie Strauss “Torah Tzivah”
- Sammy Rosenbaum “Yismechu”
- Laeli “Aliyah”
- Mikey Pauker “Soul Spark”
- Elana Jagoda Kaye “Holy Sister Miriam”
- Jacob Spike Krause “A Little Bit More”
- Josh Goldberg “Yihiyu L’Ratzon”
Episode 51: Summer 2024
Episode 50: Winter 2024
Episode 49: Winter 2023
Episode 48: New Music for 5783
Episode 47: Jewish Star Favorites 2022
Episode 46: Songs for 2022
Episode 45: Chanukah 2021
Episode 44: Amazing Cantors
Episode 43: Jewish Star Favorites
Episode 42: Summer Mix Vol. 1
Episode 41: Prayerful Intention
Episode 40: Songs for 2021
Episode 39: Light
Episode 38: New Tunes for Fall
Episode 37: Songs of Joy and Praise
Episode 36: Joe’s All Day Breakfast
Episode 35: Good Times!
Episode 34 featuring Julie Geller
Episode 33: New Year, New Music, New Artists
Episode 32: Light
Episode 31: Tons of New Jewish Music!
Episode 30: Renewal and Moving Forward
Episode 29: Music for the High Holy Days
Episode 28: Songs of Hope
Episode 27: Summer Mix, Volume 2
Episode 26: Summer Mix, Volume 1
Episode 25: New Music, featuring Jamie Marx and Noah Diamondstein
Episode 24: Tons of New Music, featuring Brianah Caplan
Episode 23: Good Times and Great Tunes
Episode 22: New Music for Cold Winter Days
Episode 21: New Tunes! Whoo!
Episode 20: Awesome Emerging Artists
Episode 19: High Holiday Days
Episode 18: Summer Mix, Volume 2
Episode 17: Sunshine, Smiles, and Good Times
Episode 16: Passover and Beyond
Episode 15: Faith, Belief, and Trust
Episode 14: Songs for the Open Road
Episode 13: New Music from the 2017 URJ Biennial
Episode 12, Awesome New Jewish Music
Episode 11, Crowdfunded Favorites
Episode 10, The Days of Awe, and Beyond
Episode 9, Love Songs
Episode 8: The Edge of Change
Episode 7: The Sound and Feel of Shabbat
Episode 6: Songs of Hope
Episode 5: Fest
Episode 4: Emerging Artists from SLBC 2017
Episode 3: The Light Inside
Episode 2: Songs of Strength
Episode 1, The Growing Landscape of American Jewish Music
Check out the Showtimes page for details and showtimes for all of JRR’s celebrity-hosted shows!