Each episode of Open Hearts is a soul journey into presence. Explore songs of connection, spirituality and love through the lens of mindfulness. Brought to you by Positive Jewish Living, championing a holistic approach to spiritual and physical wellness. Check out the show page for playlists and more!
Showtimes: Mondays and Wednesdays at 8PM Eastern/8PM Central and Sundays at Noon Eastern/11AM Central
If you missed the last episode, you can listen to it here:
Pathways to Prayer explores the diverse musical tapestry of Jewish prayer through traditional and contemporary music from composers who are helping define spiritual connection in the 21st Century. Check out the show page for playlists and more!
Showtimes: More Episodes Coming Soon!
If you missed the last episode, you can listen to it here:
The Emerging Artist Showcase features new and exciting voices in Jewish rock. Brought to you by the Gladys K Crown Foundation. Check out the show page for playlists and more!
Showtimes: More Episodes Coming Soon!
If you missed the last episode, you can listen to it here:
Jewish Women Rock features the best, and most influential female voices in contemporary Jewish music. Check out the show page for playlists and more!
Showtimes: More Episodes Coming Soon!
If you missed the last episode, you can listen to it here:
Best in Israeli Rock features outstanding music from Israel’s top artists. Brought to you by Manuel and Debbie Rajunov. Check out the show page for playlists and more!
Showtimes: More Episodes Coming Soon!
If you missed the last episode, you can listen to it here:
Jewish Holiday Remix explores the hidden and the holy in the music of our holidays. We’ll look at the themes and unexpected connections hiding just beneath the surface of some of our favorite holiday songs as well as contemporary songs that are re-interpreting holidays in new and exciting ways. Check out the show page for playlists and more!
Showtimes: More Episodes Coming Soon!
If you missed the last episode, you can listen to it here:
Host Charlie Kramer goes in depth with some of Jewish music’s most exciting musicians to talk about their experiences and creative processes. Each episode features a different artist and their music. JRR Artist feature is also available as a podcast on Google Play, Apple Music, and Stitcher.
If you missed the last episode, you can listen to it here:
You Have a Voice The Truth, Teaching, and Torah of Today’s Jewish Teens.
If you missed the last episode, you can listen to it here:
Stand Up! Sing Out! gives you an inside look at powerful Jewish teen experiences all over the globe. Brought to you by Craig and Cathy Weiss. Check out the show page for playlists and more!
If you missed the last episode, you can listen to it here!
Jewish Camp Rocks! features the music that is electrifying Jewish summer camps throughout North America.
If you missed the last episode, you can listen to it here!
Sacred Soundtrack Sounds, spirit and soul, with Josh Nelson. Check out the show page for playlists and more! Brought to you by Positive Jewish Living, championing a holistic approach to spiritual and physical wellness. Check out the show page for playlists and more!
If you missed the last episode, you can listen to it here!
Jewish texts have inspired musicians and poets for hundreds and thousands of years. Century after century, Jews have combed the wisdom of our history for inspiration and guidance. Music serves as a medium for us to understand these words in a new light: a Musical Midrash.
If you missed the last episode, you can listen to it here!